Combining Raster and Vector

In a previous post, we saw how to deal with Raster data using R, as well as how to deal with vector data and the multiple classes of the sp package. In this post, we'll see what can be achieved when the two worlds of vector data and raster data intersect.


There are some utilities in R to convert data from raster to vector format and vice-versa, however, converting objects is often the wrong approach. An approach that avoids converting data from vector to raster or the opposite is generally preferred.

Nonetheless, below is a brief description of conversion functions:

Vector to Raster

The rasterize() function converts a vector object into a raster object.

Raster to Vector

Three functions allow us to convert raster data to vector - the rasterToPoints(), rasterToContour(), and rasterToPolygons() functions. The latter can be useful to convert the result of a classification. In that case, set dissolve = TRUE so that the polygons with the same attribute value will be dissolved into multi-polygon regions. This option requires the rgeos package.

These methods are known to perform poorly under R. Calling gdal_translate directly or through the gdalUtils package can be much faster.

Geometric Operations

Raw raster data do not usually conform to any notion of administrative or geographical boundaries. Vector data (and extents) can be used to mask or crop data to a desired region of interest.


Cropping consists of reducing the full extent of a spatial object to a smaller extent. As a result, the output of crop() will automatically be rectangular and will not consider any features such as polygons to perform the sub-setting. It is useful to crop data as tightly as possible to reduce load and maintain focused visualization.

The crop() function uses objects of the class extent to define the new extent, or any object that can be coerced to an extent (see ?extent for more info on this). This means that practically all spatial objects (raster or vector) can be used directly in crop(). Considering two raster objects, r1, and r2, with r2 being smaller than r1, you can simply use crop(r1, r2) to crop r1 to the extent of r2.

You can easily define an extent interactively (by clicking) thanks to the drawExtent() function.


The mask() function can be used with almost all spatial objects to mask (= set to NA) values of a raster object. When used with a SpatialPolygon object, mask will keep values of the raster overlayed by polygons and mask the values outside of polygons.

Note the very useful inverse argument of mask(), which allows us to mask the inverse of the area covered by the features. We will use this feature of mask later in the tutorial to exclude water areas of a raster, defined in an independent SpatialPolygons object.


The most common operation when combining vector and raster data is extraction. It simply consists of extracting the values of a raster object for locations specified by a vector object. The object can be one of the sp package classes or an extent object.

When using extract() with SpatialPolygons or SpatialLines, individual features of the vector layer may overlay or intersect several pixels. In that case, a function (fun =) can be used to summarize the values into one. Note that although most often the functions min, max, mean and median are used for the spatial aggregation, also any custom-made function can be used. extract() provides many options for the return object, such as a data frame or a new sp object with extracted values appended to the attribute table. See ?extract() example section.


This post will use a simple land cover classification of Wageningen from Landsat 8 data as an example. (The example uses the same data used in the above-mentioned raster post.)

Step by step we will:

Prepare the data

## Download, unzip and load the data
download.file(url = '.../', destfile = '', method = 'auto')
## Identify the right file
landsatPath <- list.files(pattern = glob2rx('LC8\*.grd'), full.names = TRUE) wagLandsat <- brick(landsatPath)
## Loading required package: sp

We can start by visualizing the data. Since it is a multispectral image, we can use plotRGB() to do so.

# plotRGB does not support negative values, so they need to be removed wagLandsat\[wagLandsat < 0\] <- NA
plotRGB(wagLandsat, 5, 4, 3)


## Download municipality boundaries
nlCity <- raster::getData('GADM',country='NLD', level=2)
## \[1\] "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame"
## attr(,"package")
## \[1\] "sp"
## Investigate the structure of the object
## OBJECTID ID_0 ISO NAME_0 ID_1 NAME_1 ID_2 NAME_2 HASC_2 ## 1 1 158 NLD Netherlands 1 Drenthe 1 Aa en Hunze NL.DR.AH ## 2 2 158 NLD Netherlands 1 Drenthe 2 Assen NL.DR.AS ## 3 3 158 NLD Netherlands 1 Drenthe 3 Borger-Odoorn NL.DR.BO ## 4 4 158 NLD Netherlands 1 Drenthe 4 Coevorden NL.DR.CO ## 5 5 158 NLD Netherlands 1 Drenthe 5 De Wolden NL.DR.DW ## 6 6 158 NLD Netherlands 1 Drenthe 6 Emmen NL.DR.EM ## CCN_2 CCA_2 TYPE_2 ENGTYPE_2 NL_NAME_2 VARNAME_2
## 1 NA Gemeente Municipality
## 2 NA Gemeente Municipality
## 3 NA Gemeente Municipality
## 4 NA Gemeente Municipality
## 5 NA Gemeente Municipality
## 6 NA Gemeente Municipality

It seems that the municipality names are in the NAME_2 column. So we can subset the SpatialPolygonsDataFrame to the city of Wageningen alone. To do so, we can use data frame manipulation or subsetting syntax.

nlCity@data <- nlCity@data\[!$NAME_2),\]
# Remove rows with NA wagContour <- nlCity\[nlCity$NAME_2 == 'Wageningen',\]

We can use the resulting wagContour object, to mask the values out of Wageningen, but first, since the two objects are in different coordinate systems, we need to re-project one to the projection of the other.

It is preferable to reproject a vector file because it is scalable and vector layers are resolution-independent.

## Load rgdal library (needed to reproject data)
wagContourUTM <- spTransform(wagContour, CRS(proj4string(wagLandsat)))

Now that the two objects are in the same CRS, we can do the masking and visualize the result. Let's first crop and then mask to see the difference.

wagLandsatCrop <- crop(wagLandsat, wagContourUTM)
wagLandsatSub <- mask(wagLandsat, wagContourUTM)
## Set graphical parameters (one row and two columns)
opar <- par(mfrow=c(1,2))
plotRGB(wagLandsatCrop, 5, 4, 3, main = 'Crop()')
plotRGB(wagLandsatSub, 5, 4, 3, main = 'Mask()')
plot(wagContourUTM, add = TRUE, border = "green", lwd = 3)
## Reset graphical parameters

Example of crop and mask

In the figure above, the left panel displays the output of crop, while the second panel shows the result of masking the Landsat scene using the contour of Wageningen as input.

We also have a water mask of Wageningen in vector format. Let's download it and also re-project it to the CRS of the Landsat data.

download.file(url = '.../', destfile = '', me thod = 'auto')
## Check the names of the layers for input in readOGR()
water <- readOGR('Water.shp', layer = 'Water')
waterUTM <- spTransform(water, CRS(proj4string(wagLandsat)))
## OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile
## Source: "data/Water.shp", layer: "Water"
## with 632 features
## It has 32 fields

Note the use of inverse = TRUE in the code below, to mask the pixels that intersect with the features of the vector object.

wagLandsatSubW <- mask(wagLandsatSub, mask = waterUTM, inverse = TRUE)
plotRGB(wagLandsatSubW, 5, 4, 3)
plot(waterUTM, col = 'blue', add = TRUE, border = 'blue', lwd = 2)

For the rest of the example, we'll use the wagLandsatCrop object, for I have a few doubts about the spatial accuracy of the two vector layers we used in the masking steps. You can check for yourself by converting them to KML and opening them in Google Earth.

Build a calibration dataset in Google Earth

Below we'll see how we can deal with a calibration dataset in R, for calibrating a classifier. It involves working with SpatialPointsDataFrame classes, extracting reflectance data for the corresponding calibration samples, manipulating data frames, and building a model that can be used to predict land cover. But first, we need to build the calibration dataset (ground truth), and for that, we will use Google Earth.

Open Google Earth, and search for Wageningen. Notice that the city boundary is similar to the figure above (turn on the Borders and Labels from the "layers" panel). Now in places, right-click on Temporary Places and select Add a Folder; name it appropriately (it will be your layer = argument afterward when reading the KML file).

Add new place maps (within the city limits) to that folder, and put the interpreted land cover in the description field. Keep it to a few classes, such as agric, forest, water, and urban. I also added flood, to categorize the floodplain nearby the river. When you are done (15 - 30 points), save the file.

Note: in the approach described above, we get to decide where the calibration samples are. Another approach would be to automatically generate randomly distributed samples. This can be done very easily in R using the sampleRandom() function, which automatically returns a SpatialPoints object of any given size. In the family of spatial sampling functions, there is also sampleRegular() (for regular sampling) and sampleStratified(), which can be used on a categorical raster (e.g. a land cover classification), to ensure that all classes are equally represented in the sample.

Calibrate the Classifier

Load the newly created KML file using the readOGR() function. The object should be a SpatialPointsDataFrame and the information created is stored in the description column of the data frame.

## Change to the correct file path and layer name
samples <- readOGR('sampleLongLat.kml', layer = 'sampleLongLat')
## OGR data source with driver: KML
## Source: "data/sampleLongLat2.kml", layer: "sampleLongLat"
## with 14 features
## It has 2 fields

We now need to extract the surface reflectance values of the corresponding samples. But first, the data once again need to be re-projected to the CRS of the Landsat data.

## Re-project SpatialPointsDataFrame
samplesUTM <- spTransform(samples, CRS(proj4string(wagLandsatCrop))) # The extract function does not understand why the object would have 3 coord co lumns, so we need to edit this field
samplesUTM@coords <- coordinates[samplesUTM](,-3)\]
## Extract the surface reflectance
calib <- extract(wagLandsatCrop, samplesUTM, df=TRUE) ## df=TRUE i.e. return as a data.frame
## Combine the newly created dataframe to the description column of the calibra tion dataset
calib2 <- cbind(samplesUTM$Description, calib)
## Change the name of the first column, for convienience
colnames[calib2](1)\] <- 'lc'
## Inspect the structure of the dataframe
## 'data.frame': 14 obs. of 9 variables
## $ lc : Factor w/ 6 levels "agric","flood",..: 6 6 6 5 3 3 4 5 1 1 ... ## $ ID : int 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
## $ band1: int 128 93 163 325 137 131 365 344 146 185
## $ band2: int 194 125 262 390 166 148 413 398 191 227 ... ## $ band3: int 341 199 431 517 300 267 750 659 358 542 ... ## $ band4: int 200 76 335 556 221 211 662 696 251 282
## $ band5: int 132 356 142 949 2042 1942 3309 1655 3408 4591 ... ## $ band6: int 31 186 83 1187 936 908 1911 1400 1121 1641 ... ## $ band7: int 14 92 64 1140 460 444 1170 1079 535 760

The use of df = TRUE in the extract() call is so that we get a data frame in return. Data frame is the most common class to work with all types of models, such as linear models (lm()) or random forest models as we use later.

Now we will calibrate a random forest model using the extracted data frame. Do not focus too much on the algorithm used, the important part of this tutorial is the data extraction and the following data frame manipulation. More details will come about random forest classifiers tomorrow.

if(!require(randomForest)) {
## Loading required package: randomForest
## Warning: package 'randomForest' was built under R version 3.3.3 ## randomForest 4.6-12
## Type rfNews() to see new features/changes/bug fixes
## Calibrate model
model <- randomForest(lc ~ band1 + band2 + band3 + band4 + band5 + band6 + band 7, data = calib2)
## Use the model to predict land cover
lcMap <- predict(wagLandsatCrop, model = model)

Let's visualize the output. The function levelplot() from the rasterVis package is a convenient function to plot categorical raster data.

## Loading required package: lattice
## Loading required package: latticeExtra
## Loading required package: RColorBrewer
levelplot(lcMap, col.regions = c('green', 'brown', 'darkgreen', 'lightgreen', ' grey', 'blue'))

Ok, we've seen better land cover maps of Wageningen, but given the amount of training data we used (14 in my case), it is not too bad. A larger calibration dataset would certainly result in better accuracy.

Extract Raster Values along a Transect

Another use of the extract() function can be to visualize or analyze data along transects. In the following example, we will run a transect across Belgium and visualize the elevation change.

Let's first download the elevation data of Belgium, using the getData() function of the raster package.

## Download data
bel <- getData('alt', country='BEL', mask=TRUE)
## Display metadata
## class : RasterLayer
## dimensions : 264, 480, 126720 (nrow, ncol, ncell)
## resolution : 0.008333333, 0.008333333 (x, y)
## extent : 2.5, 6.5, 49.4, 51.6 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) ## coord. ref. : +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0 ## data source : C:\\Users...\\BEL_msk_alt.grd
## names : BEL_msk_alt
## values : -105, 691 (min, max)

bel is a RasterLayer. We can start by visualizing the data.


Everything seems correct.

We want to look at a transect, which we can draw by hand by selecting two points by clicking. The drawLine() function will help us do that. Once you run the function, you will be able to click in the plotting window of R (The bel object should already be present in the plot panel before running drawLine()). Click Finish or right-click on the plot once you have selected the two extremities of the line.

line <- drawLine()

Then the elevation values can simply be extracted using extract(). Note the use of the along with= argument which ensures that the samples remain in order along the segment.

alt <- extract(bel, line, along = TRUE)

We can already plot the result as follows, but the x-axis does not provide any indication of distance.

plot(alt\[\[1\]\], type = 'l', ylab = "Altitude (m)")

To make an index for the x-axis, we can calculate the distance between the two extremities of the transect, using distHaversine() from the geosphere package.

if(!require(geosphere)) {
## Loading required package: geosphere
## Warning: package 'geosphere' was built under R version 3.3.3
## Calculate great circle distance between the two ends of the line dist <- distHaversine(coordinates[line]([1)1\]\]\[\[1\]\]\[1,\], coo[line]([1)ine)\[\[1\]\]\[\[ 1\]\]\[2,\])
## Format an array for use as x axis index with the same length as the alt\[\[1\]\] array
distanceVector <- seq(0, dist, along.with = alt\[\[1\]\])

We can't simply use the LineLength() function from the sp package because it is an all-R routine that computes the total length of all lines in a SpatialLines object while distHaversine() gives the shortest distance between two points and assumes a spherical earth, ignoring ellipsoidal effects.

Note that there is a small approximation on the position of the line and the distances between the samples as the real shortest path between two points is not a straight line in lat-long, while the distance we just calculated is the shortest path. For short distances, as in the example, this is acceptable. Otherwise, we could also have:

Let's now visualize the final output.

## Visualize the output
plot(bel, main = 'Altitude (m)')
plot(line, add = TRUE)
plot(distanceVector/1000, alt\[\[1\]\], type = 'l',
main = 'Altitude transect Belgium',
xlab = 'Distance (Km)',
ylab = 'Altitude (m)',
las = 1)

Extract raster values randomly using the sampleRandom() function

Below is an extra example and a simplification of the random sample demo shown here. Below we use the sampleRandom() function to randomly sample altitude information from a DEM of Belgium:

# You can choose your own country here
bel <- getData('alt', country='BEL', mask=TRUE) ## SRTM 90m height data belshp <- getData('GADM', country='BEL', level=2) ## administrative boundaries
## Sample the raster randomly with 40 points
sRandomBel <- sampleRandom(bel, na.rm=TRUE, sp=TRUE, size = 40)
## Create a data.frame containing relevant info
sRandomData <- data.frame(altitude = sRandomBel@data\[\[1\]\],
latitude = sRandomBel@coords\[,'y'\], longitude = sRandomBel@coords\[,'x'\])
## Plot
plot(belshp, add=TRUE)
plot(sRandomBel, add = TRUE, col = "red")
## Plot altitude versus latitude
plot(sRandomData$latitude,sRandomData$altitude, ylab = "Altitude (m)", xlab = " Latitude (degrees)")

If you would like to sample height data per province randomly, you may use the sampleRandom() function. See the example below:

bel <- getData('alt', country='BEL', mask=TRUE) 
## SRTM 90m height data
sRandomBel <- sampleRandom(bel, na.rm=TRUE, sp=TRUE, size = 40)